Being able to explore more traditional mediums, the physicality and improvisational process of woodcuts and intaglio are the types of printing I have experience in. Intaglio is more akin to painting where you have an initial idea or image that you wish to make. However, you only truly know what your image looks like after the copper plate has been taken out of the bath with aquatint, and you print it. The improv comes in when an effect or value is achieved that is unexpected, and suddenly a slightly different direction can be taken if desired. Especially if you’re working on two pieces at a time, the artist decides which aspects of the print they want to enhance.
Woodcutting is much more planned out and precise since the range of value that can be achieved is limited to black and white. I enjoyed the combination of the woodblock and a collage style since there is a tactile feel to the print. Depending on the size of the block the work is a bit more laborious, but printing by hand creates a connection between the artist and the woodblock itself.
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